Friday, November 8, 2013

Spring 2014 Fashion Picks, Case in Point: Alexander Wang

So, I know that no one's hardly reading my blog and it's partly my fault because I rarely update it and I don't think I'm any good at putting content that others would be interested in reading. And then other half is, well, the fact that I don't know how to gain exposure over here. I have yet to learn more about that.

For the mean time, here's me trying to breathe a bit of life into this pathetic empty space. So, I am deathly bored at work and browsing around the webzzz has got me inspired to talk about fah-zhawn. Yes. I have always been a fah-zhawn geek and unfortunately, all these opinion and opinion and opinion I have for the collections only end up being word-vomited unto my unfortunate friends. 

After years and years of keeping it to myself and my friends, of writing about it occasionally for work.... Here's my very first attempt to actually write about it, choose which designers I wanna highlight and talk about without being bound by requirements and shizzz.

For the first installment, I'm gonna discuss the very talked-about spring 2014 line of Alexander Wang.

So.. The first few things that popped into my mind were - clean, crisp, midriff, boxy, pajama. Right. And as I type this, the "Parental Advisory" graphic shirts are fast-becoming the hottest trends right now. I can actually hear the waves of knock-offs crashing down down and down. I've also heard that Forever21 jumped on it and came up with similar shirts. People still debating whether they were crossing legal lines. I couldn't care less.

Not that I have anything against it, I actually like it (not Forever 21 but the logo! In an interview, Wang mentioned that he grew up during the 90s, and that's obviously a time when logos were a thing and so was minimalist cool.. along with all things jaded yet fun. The 90s are so in right now it's actually making me sick. I've always wondered if there's an all-powerful voice that commands certain trends to become THE trend of the season. Because for some reason, all these designers end up riding the same themes and it trickles down. The next thing you know, everyone's worshiping 90s fashion and they are in fact worshiping all things 90s right now.

Oh well, on with the show. So, all the minimalism and effortless masculine cool vibe scream 90s. Wang states that the logos and the overall theme serve as a call for fashion to take a breather from all the seriousness and I think that the message he's trying to say reverberates not just on how he's having fun with logos (Alexander Wang plastered on the bands of the skirts) but with the entire collection in itself. 

Some more of the looks I loved. (Left) Very school girl-ish, that's the logo emblazoned skirt! see? I am also planning on copying the top, gonna thrift for a button down shirt and have it altered! (Right) Very 90s no? Slip dress with exquisite details like that slit and the flatteringly long strap meant for chestless ladies like me.

Setting a trend, he came up with these ingenious looks, seriously, impeccable styling! button-downs worn differently, closed just on the top and all open to bare the midriffs - cool and arguably original (cause I think I've already seen a couple of editorials back then doing the same thing, long lean models in loungy pants and button downs bearing the midriff).

Anyway, one thing I noticed and absolutely liked about the whole collection is the uniform vibe. Some pieces are like a cross between school girls and health care providers - think nurses, surgeons, asylum keepers - but chic and stylish. They're like something nurses would wear in the near future. But of course, all of which were executed with a very NOW treatment, very modern, streamlined and crisp. Everything's so simple and clean, I wanna roll around a bed with fluffy fresh linen covers and pillows.

Oooh and I also loved the shoes. I think those really deserve some attention. Most of the time, awesome and impeccably styled collections blind people from noticing the really awesome accessories and footwear! 

There was something a bit comical about the enamel-looking/patent single or color blocked platform loafers and mary janes but totally wearable and easy to pair with a lot of things. I particularly loved the black and white ones... very reminiscent of school girl shoes, you'd actually think that the model were wearing socks but no. All in all, it was really smashing and refreshing, it would easily fall into the my bucket of favorites had I been the first ones to see the collection.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Made over

I don't know much about Madewell's history, just that it is run by J. Crew and that one of my favoritest style personalities, Alexa Chung, collaborated with them and came up with an awesome line that I was never able to get my hands on.

Upon browsing along, I stumbled upon Madewell's latest lookbook and I love it. It bears a lot of familiar styling but what sets itself apart from previous lines is that it features a kind of modern and slightly avant garde touch with just that tasteful hint of street style.

Let's see.. here's some of my favorite looks!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lazy workday

Style muse: Julia Sarr-Jamois

I first saw the lovely miss Julia in one of Hanneli's posts. She was so simple looking with her cool fro and floral dress.

Here's the photo

And since then, I've been seeing her quite a lot in street style portals and so on. I found out that she's the fashion editor of Wonderland and it occurred to me that I already came across her once in a story by Refinery29 wherein top fashion editors were illustrated by Joana Avillez to showcase their differing styles.

I don't usually go for over the top styles, I mean I appreciate and respect it a lot such as the way I look up to the late Isabella Blow, Vivienne Westwood, and Anna Sui, but my style preference as of late has leaned more on the minimalist-with-a-slight-dash-of-whimsy side.

But what I love about her is that she never piles one trend over another. I mean I believe that she's not one to follow mainstream trends or at least she manages to translate it into her own style. You could compare her style sensibilities to those of fashion bloggers but what sets her apart is her well - aura.

Sometimes, she's so simple with just a top and a nice pair of loose jeans. But the next time you see her, she's wearing this awesome printed top over a cute printed mini over tights. She's crazy but in a refined and tasteful way. I guess that's the je ne sais quo in her cause she's actually half french. I don't know, I love her.

I am kind of obsessed. I love the pieces she owns because they are all so quirky. Imagine if you get the chance to raid her closet - apart from having a seemingly infinite array of awesome pieces to come up with whimsical and surrealist ensembles, you can opt to go simple yet come off amazingly kooky with the all the one-of-a-kind and unique stuff she has. This girl has got to be one of the coolest and stylish ones I have come across with so far.

Oh and one more bit of information, she's awfully young too like around 25 I suppose and she also models! She stands at 5'10 and blaaargh. I just love her. She's awesome.

Monday, July 15, 2013

passing judgment

So, just like the fucked up being that I am, I began my day by taking out my frustrations on another being. The debate that had transpired between us got me into thinking about whether judgement is right or wrong. Considering the fact that I don't believe in absolute truths, I suppose it could be right as much as it can be wrong.

I have always pride myself in being able to reserve my judgement for those who go against my principles such as the privileged few who have no care in the world but themselves. This is such because I believe that my ideals about morality are pretty much the basic laws of the universe while having sort of a Machiavellian opinion on issues that face humanity.

And so, I really believe that in some way, judgement is necessary. I just can't seem to just go on and not say anything about issues that plague society. More so in airing out my disgust or contempt for anyone who is behaving in such a way that tolerates or praises all that is bad about the world. But of course, I know that in doing so, I am being judgmental. However, these people really are kind of predictable. If I somewhat interpret and analyze them and come to the conclusion that person A knows no shit about a lot of things, most of the time, that really is the case.

Of course, I don't base judgment purely on the surface, I get it from communicating with him or her. Most of the time, during one of our many moments, it is exactly person A who reveals to me how little he or she knows while pretending to know more than he or she really does.

Oh well, I guess it is just me being a big bitch. I should not be minding other people's lives really, but I can't help but be weary about having friends who fake intellect, those who are arrogant but knows no shit really. I mean, it's totally alright if you are not well versed in music or literature but you certainly need not pretend that you know everything.

In the end, I guess my opinion about judgment is that it can be necessary but it can be dangerous, indeed. Of course, judgment caused me a lot of hurt especially growing up. I had my fair share of judgment but now, I have come to have this reverse judgment towards hypocrites, posers, and those who basically made me feel small because I was different than the rest. I have come to be judgmental of people who follow the herd, of people who think are doing something different but they're not. This could very well be an effect of all those years of being judged, of being a part of the minority, of being so weird no one can understand you.

Nowadays, it's not about being weird or different. Because anyone can be different, it's all fashion. Nowadays, it's all about being different inside, being weird, revolutionary, and radical inside - revolution is a state of mind.

Field day

Field day

Work day Monday outfit theme.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Street style licks

Photo credits:, Tommy Ton

As you can see, outfits that caught my attention were boy-meets-girl looks, fresh classic looks with interesting pops of details, minimalist takes on cool and tasteful trends like the 90's comeback. I love 'em!